Thursday, June 5, 2008

I deleted a comment this morning

About muhammed caricaturist, islam critisism, Seppo Lehto and court decision in 30.5.2008

Total prisonery is 2 years + 4 four months + privious 3 months = 2 years 7 months

Muhammed caricaturist
Seppo Lehto Tampere
Suomi Finland

The comment was in response to this post, which is basically a defense of freedom of speech.

I deleted the comment because of the writer's use of the "n" word. If the writer wants to criticize the law causing Lehto to be imprisoned for what he writes he can do so, and I would agree.

But he has no right, on my blog, to insult an ethnic group that has nothing to do with the issue.

Keep your language clean folks and you are welcome. This is my home.


  1. Purified language as a target?

    In Finland we have very famous children`s books: Peppi Pitkätossu and Neekerikuningas fairy tails

    Astrid Lingren has written Peppi Pitkätossu and Rudolf Koivu: Neekerikuningas tales. You can check in google.

    We have many neekeri-juridical association in Finland. Ee have even Neekerisaari place where our lehtineekerit (media folk) have their holidays.

    We have even many popular sings with neekeri-word: Neekeriveisu, Suomalainen neekerilaulu, Eppu Normaali: Sarvikuonojen maa etc.

    Your interpretation about N-word is not the only one, ecpesially it is not plain intolelance meaning att all in Finland.

    N-word has been always something funny and strange. Alike me: I had neekerinukke / n-doll when I was child

    Seppo Lehto
    Muhammed caricaturist

    Imprisoned 2 years + 7 months about thinking what is happening around the world and critising the islam in Finland

    e-mail: vapaussoturi(at)

  2. In the US the N word you used is an insult to blacks. This blog is in the US. I'm not going to tolerate the use if it.

    You should look at some footage of the war in Afghanistran and Iraq and see the black soldiers there laying their lives on the line fighting terrorists.

    Again. Seppo should not be imprisoned for things he says and writes that are politically incorrect. But that doesn't mean that he has a right to publish them in someone else's paper or blog.

    I agree that the huge influx of Muslims into Europe is a problem, and that Europe is slipping towards no-go zones for Christians and the imposition of Sharia law, if not codified, at least de facto.

    But you're not going to be successful using racial slurs and attacks. Polite factual reporting will be read by many more people.

  3. I`m non violent man. But I have been attacked many times by Ivory coast man (and then comes forbidden n-word) In Finland we luckily mostly know what is racial or not. Nowadays seems to be that all finns are allowed to be alike target for those who come from outside / muslim and other such countries.

    I call indians for indians. My daughter`s one friend is genuine aimara indian from South-America.

    There has been trial 2005, where I got some kind of shelter against this ivory coast man, who has promised to "I fu.k your mother, I beat you, I kill you!" many times. There has been witnesses, too. - But this ivory coast have had not acceptable immunitet against accucation by procecutors. - This is against human rights. - If that man has been an other finn I could have sue him, but because he is what he is, he got immunitet.

    Write or wrong? - What do you suggest to me to do?

    Seppo Lehto Tampere

  4. I have no suggestions, and assuming your comments are correct, you have my sympathy and my belief that the law is wrong.

    As I said, you are welcome to comment here, but using certain words will get the comment deleted. If you keep your comments civil you are welcome to write.

  5. A comment about the "n" word or "neekeri" in Finnish: It's the equivalent of "negro" and hasn't been used as a derogatory word until the early 90's in Finland, even as of then only in conjunction with other insulting adjectives. The "n" word in the sentence "You mother f.....g n....r/n...a" would be translated to Finnish as the very rarely used word "nekru". The mostly used racially very insulting word in Finnish would be "mutakuono" which translates to "mudface". Just to clarify, although Lehto's uses of the word neekeri very often are accompanied with derogatory adjectives.
