Monday, June 2, 2008

Carbon offsets are what???

Summer has finally arrived and my garden is thriving. The re-replanted cucumbers and okra are growing and the oldest tomato plants have small fruit and all have loaded fruit pods. Now we must fight the bugs and assorted birds to see who will get the fruits of my labor..

If only Global Cooling had not caused such a late Spring.

Yesterday I posted about the cost of the Senate's proposed legislation to supposedely stop man made global warming, the "cap and trade" nonsense. In it we discover that Europe is charging about $40.00 per ton of carbon dioxide produced. In the example I showed a ton of coal burned by a utility company to produce electricty will cause the utility to pay $114.00.

My question is, who gets the money? Now if understand the concept, the utility finds some country who isn't producing CO2 and pays them the money. Naturally someone will step up to be the middle man.

Think about this.

Currently valued at over $30 billion, the carbon trading market is set to skyrocket to over $1 trillion as the price of carbon becomes more and more valuable.

Valued by who? They are talking about taxes to be charged for doing things like driving your car, utilities producing electricty and thousand of other human activities. And note that this doesn't reduce CO2, it merely charges you for it.
And don't misunderstand. You are the person who will pay.

This whole concept is a hoax. But at least now we can see why man made global warming is being pushed. As always, if you want to know the truth: