Monday, June 9, 2008

And this guy is an "economist?"

The costs of the tax cuts "vastly outweigh any benefits," economist Josh Bivens said. "The only benefit from the tax cuts is increased disposable income. I think they have had negative impacts on growth, the deficit and equity."

Now let me see.... Where do people get money to save? Disposable income. Where do people starting companies get money? Why from banks and stocks. Where did the money saved in banks and stocks come from? Disposable income saved by people.......

Equity in what??? Stock ownership? See above. Home ownership? Where do people get the money to save to buy a home... Disposable income....

Deficit? We have had record tax collections driven by all the good things people have done with their disposable income. If we have a deficit problem is a "spending problem" not a revenue problem.


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