Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Titan is dead.

I first saw "Ben Hur" downtown in Nashville, I think around Christmas of '60 or '61. I can't be sure of the year. I have seen it several times since then. It is an inspiring movie, beautifully filmed with a script to match. It made Heston a star, and he deserved it.

If a man is known by the enemies he has made, then Charlton Heston stands at the top of the mountain looking down on the likes of George Clooney and Michael Moore. Neither are known for doing much beyond complaining when complaining carries no penalties.

Their nasty comments are mindful of a small poodle, barking with no reason beyond the feel good of the bark, and the hopeful approval of other poodles.

Heston told us about the giants of the world while demonstrating for civil rights at a time when such a position carried with it not only threats of lost employment, but physical harm.

One his best comments was: "Political correctness is tyranny with manners."

Like John Wayne before him, he cannot be replaced.


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