Sunday, April 27, 2008

Paul Johnson and William Ayers

It is obvious that if you want information about Barack Hussein Obama you are not going to find it in the MSM and the Repub pundits will be ignored as partisians.

Paul Johnson is not a Repub, to say the least.

So when he asks questions about the hopeful candidate from Chicago, Hawaii and Indonesia, you should listen to his answers.

Barack Obama is not telling the truth about his relationship with Bill Ayers....

In fact, Barack worked for Bill Ayers for at least eight years and the press, so far, has not investigated this matter.

In 1995, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created to raise funds to help reform the Chicago public schools. One of the architects of the Challenge was none other than Professor Bill Ayers. Ayers co-wrote the initial grant proposal and proudly lists himself on his own website as the co-founder of the Challenge.

And who did William Ayers, co-creator of the Challenge, help select as the new director of the board for this program? Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Now, let’s revisit Obama’s claim about Ayers in the ABC debate:

“Not someone I’ve accepted endorsement of, it’s not someone I exchange ideas with on a regular basis…”

That is a lie. Both parts of Obama’s statement are obviously false. Obama not only evaded Stephanopoulos’s question, he was deliberately deceptive and misleading.

Ayers helped select Obama to exercise a leadership role on the Annenberg Challenge. And Obama wants us to believe they never talked? Never exchanged ideas? Never identified issues to raise and policies to pursue? What is Barack hiding?

It is of vital importance to clarify Barack’s relationship with Ayers. This is not a casual relationship. It is not a recent relationship. And, as reported in an earlier piece on this blog, Ayers has not changed his tune of political radicalism. I don’t challenge his right to believe such things, but Ayers certainly does not reflect the views of most Americans, both Democrats and Republicans. Why is Barack lying about this relationship? That is the question voters deserve to have asked and answered.

Read the whole article. It is obvious that Hussein was picked and carefully groomed to be where is at today.

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