Friday, April 18, 2008

Mr. President:

Can we talk? Got a minute?

I just filled up my Buick and the price per gallon was $3.40. And even though the American made product is getting 25.4 combined MPG, that's a hurt. A big hurt.

And I know that the high demand from China and India, aka the "excuse of the day" by OPEC, has us by the short hair. And it was the environmental wackos and their hand maidens the Demos and dummy RINOs that kept us from drilling within the US. I mean I know who the evil ones are. The Big Guy and Hannity have told me.

But you see, that excuse has been around thirty years, and even if true, consider this.

It doesn't fix the problem.

You are the man, Mr. President. So I think it is time you start using the bully pulpit and jam some emergency legislation down the Demos throats. Just tell the wackos to piss off and tell the oil companies that they have been talking the talk, but now is the time to walk the walk. Get off your behinds and start drilling some holes in the ground.

At the same time it wouldn't hurt to tell OPEC that they really truly sure enough need to open the spigots because their current actions look like an attack on the US and well, everyone knows what happens when we think we've being attacked. How do you say "spidy-hole" in Farsi? Arabic? Spanish?

Well, that's about it. Wish I could have been more subtle, but I really can't. Because if the public doesn't start to see some actual honest to God change come out of the Repubs, they are likely to start listening to Hussein talk about change.

And no. Not THAT Hussein. The other one. The one from Chicago. The one who can really do some damage to the country.

Regards from a two time voter.

Poker Player


  1. It's a fabulous letter. It's true. It's polite. I wish you would mail it. To the President, to your Congressman, to your Senator, to your Republican candidate, to 9 or 10 newspapers, to family members, to friends, to neighbours. Put it on many blogs.

    I've done thing like that in the past. I even sent an urgent telegram to the Prime Minister once.

    Does it work? I don't know. Things happened and things didn't happen. What worked is that I felt much better because I had done what I could. One voice that some people heard and mostly agreed with. I also slept better.

    All the best from Canada.

  2. If you believe you'd get a response by the same President who learned at a news conference that the price of gas was likely to (and has in some areas) climb to 4$/gal, then you have my deepest sympathy, or as they said in my day:

    "Man, what have you been smoking?"

  3. heh

    In my day we knew what we had been smoking. It took the boomers to become so confused they didn't..

    As to what Bush knows, or doesn't know, I doubt you know.

    In any event I suspect you would be in fevered opposition to drilling for oil in the US and/or advising OPEC that we see them as taking hostile actions.

    BTW - Do you have any solutions??

  4. As to what Bush knows, or doesn't know, I doubt you know.

    I am aware of what
    your hero did say on 02/28/2008:

    REPORTER: What's your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of 4-dollar-a-gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing —
    BUSH: Wait, what did you just say? You're predicting 4-dollar-a-gallon gasoline?
    REPORTER: A number of analysts are predicting —
    BUSH: Oh, yeah?
    REPORTER: Four-dollar-a-gallon gasoline this spring when they reformulate.
    BUSH: That's interesting. I hadn't heard that.

    REPORTER: Yes, sir.
    BUSH: Yes. I know it's high now.

    My solution is using solar power in a variety of applications including CSP, as outlined in a recent article on

    I suspect you would be in fevered opposition to drilling for oil in the US and/or advising OPEC that we see them as taking hostile actions.

    Drilling for oil in America wouldn't do much for the present crisis. It's like a heroin junkie saying they'll quit using in two weeks.

    Advising OPEC that we see them as taking hostile actions would bring a horse laugh from them, as we're already tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan, and selling to the Chinese and Russians as they do now would mean those two nations wouldn't look kindly on any 'intervention' that would disrupt a constant oil supply they need for their industrialization, and would end up on OPECs' side in the event of any 'difficulties'.

    You are such an idealist, that's what I like about you.
