Sunday, March 23, 2008

WG's blather continues

weeder gander wants to keep talking about me calling Hussein, Hussein. His comments are quoted, with my mine below.

(I had written)Parsing doesn't become you because unlike Hussein you don't have an adoring fan base to let you mouth words and walk away

(wg)I'm sorry you feel threatened enough to disparage my parsing ability because of an insecurity about your own, but you really aren't making sense now.

Actually, parsing is generally not consider a nice trait, given that it is usually associated with people who want to duck and dodge. Kinda like being considered a smart crooked politician... Oh, didn't mean to bring up Jefferson Clinton that is....

(I had written)You had a motive, call it reason if you like, to decide to make a rather typical comment about my using Hussein.

(wg wrote)Yes, I said I was curious, and the comment wasn't pro or anti BHO, and was mostly an observation which you responded to with honesty and snark, much more of the latter than the former.

If that was true, why didn't you just leave it alone??

(I had written) so I know that it wasn't original with you, but a "talking point" from Hussein's camp and camp followers.

(wg wrote)Sorry, I might know some folks who are BHO supporters, but none of them brought your usage to my attention.

I didn't say that anyone had brought Tall Cotton to your attention. I wrote that I have seen the same complaint before.

(I had writen)Tell me. Did you read it on KOS? MoveOn? Some other Leftie blog?

(wg wrote)I saw your blog comment and the usage was so unusual that I felt the necessity to remark and satisfy my curiosity about it. I do not frequent either site, but I have been known to lurk at a Leftie blog you've commented at, FWIW.

Ah, so it is coincidence that you made the same comment that other Lefties have made. Including one who does comment on TL.

(wg wrote)I don't think you're mentioned in either website, but like most people who demonstrate paranoid behavior, you lack a sense of proportion about common human behavior.

I never said I was mentioned. Is this claim another reading problem or just a typical attempt at changing the subject. And do you deny that using "Hussein" in conjunction with Hussein the Demo Candidate is a politically radioactive thing to do?

And why do you think that is true?

(I wrote)The post asked if Hussein is a racist. I used his words and the definition of racism for comparison. I didn't even mention his 20 year association with a Minister that a reasonable person would have rejected 19 years and 11
months ago. I didn't need to.

(wg wrote)I didn't know that being a racist entitled you to use the middle name of said racist in refering to them.

Heh, to steal a favorite from one of TL's author's.

Are you now claiming that we must have permission to use a person's middle name??

As for you calling me a racist, I was waiting for that and you didn't disappoint me.

(wg wrote)The things I've learned on the internets!

(I wrote)You know, whatever language I speak you can't answer the question.

(wg wrote) I just did.

Nothing like declaring something and running off, eh?

Of course, the fact that you didn't have a logical or reasonable answer to my question should be overlooked because?????????????

I gave you an answer. That you can't understand it is your problem. I will repeat it.

I just resent being told that I can't call Hussein, Hussein. I think it an attempt by Hussein to tell me what to write and what to think.

BTW - As you know, calling someone a racist, as you did me, is a no-no at TalkLeft.
I prefer to let you get away with it because I haven't made a racist statement. Hussein did. Your support of him defines you.


  1. I didn't call you a racist, I concluded that since you consider BHO a racist, it was therefor permissible to use his middle name to refer to him because he's a racist.

    Why do you think everyone is out to get you if they don't agree with you 100%?

  2. Okay... I have re-read the sentence and agree that you did not.

    I'll just ignore the charge.

    BTW - How's your garden??

  3. It is your right to call Obama "Howdy Doody" if you so choose, I've taken to calling the three frontrunners the "3 Stooges".

    But when you refer to one candidate by his middle name, and not the other two, I think that says more about you than it does Obama. Then you're no better than the lefty loons who call Bush "Hitler".

    Personally I think you're better than that old friend. There's plenty to criticize Obama about on the issues.


  4. I like the 3 Stooge bit... Hussein can be Curly.


    But I take umbrage at your saying calling Hussein, Hussein is the same as calling Bush "Hitler." That is not Bush's name. Hussein is Hussein's name.

    And yes, I am not a Hussein fan. I think he is the biggest phony since Jimmy Carter, and that says a lot.

    And since he is a phony, I use the name just to protest being told I shouldn't, and the associated PC BS.

  5. As is your right....carry on then, carry on. But don't be surprised when your readers fail to see past the middle name to the legit criticism. Though I guess the same could be said for the monikers I've assigned our uninspiring candidates.

    You know I'm as anti-pc as they come...the Dem side of this race has me more disgusted at my liberal friends than ever due to the excessive walking on egg-shells because of pc non-issues.

    And I agree it's snake oil he is selling, with a shiny "hope" label. Is it too late to get liberty loving, straight talking Ron Paul back in this thing?


  6. I suspect that 99% of those who are disturbed by the name, and I put you in the 1%, would be unable to see any criticism of Hussein no matter how I presented it.

    As for Ron Paul, I found him mostly just plain nutso, but if you know his middle name I'll be happy to use it.

