Friday, March 7, 2008

Over on the Demo side

I see a lot of gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair about what to do about how to fix the problem of the Demo primary voters in Florida and Michigan not, as it currently stands, having their votes count because they ignored the DNC's rules and voted earlier than approved.

It appears the most popular plan is to have a re vote. This is especially popular with Hussein's fans since he did not campaign in Florida and wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan.

I recommend that they include the outcome as is. Anyone running for President who is stupid enough to think the Demos could totally insult the voters of these two states should lose.


  1. I said in my blog about three months ago (it seems) that there would be basicaly -no punishment.

    They're Dems, and are used to being able to flout rules, regs and good taste- and then get a 'do over'when they cry loud enough.

    It's going to happen this time too.

  2. Yeah, but they're smarter than the rest of us, plugged into all the right things and places...Rules aren't made for them.

    On a semi-serious note, FL and MI were made to protect Hillary. It looks like a re-vote. If Hillary loses FL, which she won't, she'll claim foul and ask all the delegates to just do the right thing and honor the original results.

    Hussien took his name off the ballot in MI. Hillary will just say that his actions show that he doesn't give a flip about the rust belt and that they should send him a message that since he didn't want them then, they don't want him now.
