Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If they can nail a Demo Gov...

they can nail anybody.

MANATEE COUNTY - Prosecutors are moving ahead with a case against one of two 93-year-old men picked up during undercover prostitution stings.

In the case of Frank Milio, prosecutors have issued subpoenas and plan to take him to trial in April.

Milio, according to police records, tried to pay $20 in November to an undercover officer on 14th Street West.

Milio recently told the Herald-Tribune he was only flirting with the woman.

Heck, most 93 year old men would be bragging.

Heck, most 83 year old......

1 comment:

  1. Now if prostitution were legal in all 50 states, as it most definitely should be, the 93 year old in question (god bless him!) could go to a proper legal brothel instead of resorting to a 20 dollar curbside tryst. I'm sure legal brothels would offer AARP discounts as well:)

