Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bits and pieces

Spitzer proves one more time that men do not have enough blood to think and do the sex thing at the same time...

Just heard... the Tennessee legislature has killed a bill outlawing text messaging while driving.... well duhhhhh ...They actually need a law for that? What's next? "No Breathing" painted on the bottom of swimming pools?

Saw something someplace that had pictures of the brain showing that it changes when talking on a cell phone while driving...I have several questions... Wouldn't it also change when just talking?? And how did they get the X-Ray machine in the back seat?

If global warming is caused by man made carbon dioxide, and if the amount is increasing every year, why doesn't the temperature go up every year. Did everyone quit driving last year??

How does me buying carbon credits from someone who is producing less carbon dioxide than me decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced??

Since trees absorb carbon dioxide, why isn't Pope Algore planting trees instead of investing in a hedge fund on carbon credits? Hey, just asking.

If the Federal Reserve printing more money makes the stock market to go up, and since that also devalues the dollar which causes the price of oil to go up which causes the stock market to go down......???

Read somewhere that they don't have enough transmission facilities to carry electric power from the new windmill power plants to the users. Are there any people called "Planners" around today??

Hump day continues.

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