Monday, January 7, 2008

Success is defined as getting what you want.

Happiness is defined as wanting what you get.

The Right has long longed for Hillary's head on a stick. She is haughty, difficult and just plain unlikable. And I certainly don't want her as President.

But if you had to choose between her and Barrick Hussien Obama, who would you choose?

One wants power but knows its limits, what it can, and cannot do. She also knows that the world is an evil place, and though unacceptably weak on national defense has indicated that she would fight.

The other is totally naive, believes that if we just talk we can all get along, stopped wearing an American Flag in his lapel and in general is untested in any significant way.

Hillary would bring huge problems.

Barrick Hussein Obama would bring unmitigated disaster.

Say a little prayer for Hillary boys and girls. Or we may find out that success wasn't what it is cracked up to be.

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