Friday, December 18, 2009

The stop minarets movement has jumped out of Switzerland

The Swiss recently passed a bill baring minarets on Muslim mosques.

Well, you would think they had legalized stoning. The EU is trying to take them to court, there to undoubtedly strip them of their national right to say what can and cannot happen in their country.

That is just so Leftie, isn't it?

In the mean time:

78% of Czechs, 70% of Slovaks oppose minarets

Of those who want to ban minarets, a large majority (70% among Czechs, 80% among Slovaks) also want to ban mosques. This is actually a lower correlation than results in previous polls that asked both questions (96% among Belgians, 90% among the French).

For more surveys on minaret bans in Europe see:
* Belgium: Majority oppose mosques and minarets
* France: 41% oppose more mosques, 46% oppose minarets


I wonder which European state will the first to secede from the EU and what the EU will do about it.

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