Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Frank Schaeffer calls for shutting down the county in Huffington Post article

It's time for a summer of rage, the kind of thing the French are good at. Where are the burning tractor-loads of dung clogging the streets of Washington? It's time to build a few barricades, hurl a few paving stones and generally shut this country down until our health care system is genuinely reformed and that means that the insurance companies lose and we win. If the Democrats we elected can't do better than to effectively cave to the do-nothing, hate-America Republicans and the sell-your-mother insurance industry who will act?

Huffington Post

There you go. A clear call for violence.

Now, where is our intrepid head of Homeland Security? You know, the ex-Gov of Arizona who is so concerned over our military veterans being terrorists.

I mean, do we have two standards? One for left wing journalists and one for our veterans?

The answer is, of course, yes.

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