Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No good deed goes unpunished!

SANDUSKY, Ohio -An Ohio man arrested for mowing unkempt grass at a public park said he just wanted to make his city look nice. John Hamilton said he took control of the situation because the grass in Sandusky's Central Park was about a foot high. According to a police report, a witness said Hamilton was blowing grass onto the sidewalk and shredding trash in the park that had not been picked up.

Police said they arrested 48-year-old Hamilton after he refused to stop mowing and charged him with obstructing official business and disorderly conduct.

Now if he had ony relieved himself against a tree, pulled a grocery cart personal transport device through some flower beds and muttered dark curses against unseen foes nothing would have happened.

In the meantime Sandusky has assumed top position on my "Places I will never visit" list, replacing Paris. And I thought that would never happen.


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