Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is torture

Over the past weeks we have been involved in a debate as to what Lyin' Nancy Pelosi knew about the EIT of captured terrorists. That she did and lied like a trooper is amusing but in all fairness what she knew about wasn't torture.

This is torture.

The leader of Moslems, some perfect example of a Moslem named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and his worshipers took almost a minute using a dull knife to saw off the head of Nick while he screamed and they shouted that God is Great! His screams bubbled through blood squirting from his carotid arteries. He managed to scream for his life 9 times in about 30 seconds before they destroyed his vocal cords with the dull knife. This great leader of Moslems took delight in it. No Moslems in America demonstrated in front of the White House or anywhere else or made threats to retaliate against the perps who did this and that makes me think they approve of it.


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