Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shark Attack!

CANBERRA (Reuters) - A live shark dumped on the doorstep of an Australian country newspaper office had local police puzzled Thursday, with authorities vowing to charge the person who left it with animal cruelty.

A shark on the doorstep of a newspaper office? Probably just visiting a relative.

Above from William Katz at UrgentAgenda.

I hate to disagree with Bill, but it must have been a law office. If it had been a newspaper it would have been this.


  1. I agree with your assessment, especially those newspapers that let their readers comment ignorantly using their website.

  2. Well....(sarcasm alert)... we wouldn't those ignorant people excercising freedom of speech... That should be reserved only for those that agree with the Left.

  3. we wouldn't those ignorant people excercising freedom of speech... That should be reserved only for those that agree with the Left.Actually, I was thinking it's a big ignorant to degrade newspaper owners while using their facilities to comment, whether intelligently or ignorantly.

    (This is an expanded version of a Post I made in The Tennesseean.)Can you get where I'm coming from now?

    Of course, if you don't post this, I'll at least have the satisfaction of seen how you're willing to act like a "Leftie" and choose hypocrisy over 'freedom of speech' when push comes to shove.

    Have a nice day.

  4. I note you didn't include the sarcasm alert.

    And why should I stand in the way of a man making a fool of himself.
