Sunday, March 8, 2009

Coup d'etat by Obama?

I'm not this parnoid... yet. But You will have to admit there's some truth in this.

“My biggest fear,” writes Hosquatch, “is an attack from within....Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Murtha, Arlen Specter...does anyone have faith and confidence in these legislators? this nation has ALREADY suffered a coup d'etat, and the man in the Oval Office is a usurper bent on crashing this economy and destroying this society so he can morph it into the socialist entity he envisions, with the financial backing of anti-capitalist George Soros and other such men.”

Sounds silly until you stop and think. If you want to destroy any country first you must destroy its society. The best and easiest way to do that is to destroy the economy and the best and easiest way to do that is to destroy its markets... and its banking system.

Who will buy bank stocks when the government speaks of nationalization?

Who will buy health care company stocks when the government speaks of nationalization?

Who will buy energy stocks when the government speaks of higher taxes and more regulation?

Who will buy utility stocks when the government speaks of adding taxes of $40. a ton, or more, to coal burned?

Who will buy manufacturing stocks when the government is talking cap and trade and adding huge costs.

Who will buy retail stocks when the government is raising taxes that will leave people with less to spend?

Husein of Iraq could not have done as much harm to America as Hussein of We Don't Know Where has done.

Above an expansion of my post in the Tennessean.


  1. I thought he WANTED this job....he has the energy to jetset all over the country but he can't wake up for a mid-morning press conference and meet and greet?
    uh oh....

  2. Well, you see... he has never had a "job." You know. One in which you must meet a schedule and in which you have to do things you may not like.

  3. That dollar would have been better with 'Taxfraud Tim' as the T-sec.

  4. Please, he is merely Turbo challenged....

