Saturday, February 21, 2009

Clinton, Pallin and Kennedy meet - UPDATE

I have taken this down.

After thinking about it I find it too close to the edge.

And while only a nut case would be inspired by what is clearly political humor, there are too many nut cases.

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you about a real invitation. RockStar (African American) Obama invited our Governor General (Haitian Canadian)Jean to Washington. They really hit it off!!! She was waiting for him on the tarmac. When he got off the plane, she said beaming to him (in the name of the Queen?),"Canada loves you." He answered fatuously, "I know. I know. I'm very popular here. If things don't work out at The White House, I could move to Canada." Yikes!!!!

    This is a true horror story. All over the Canadian media. We're Number One Hit in your new administration...
