Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why I will vote for McCain

The fall out continues over the Saddleback Q & A. And it should. If this doesn't make you pull the lever for McCain, nothing will.

The stark differences between the two came through the most on the question of whether there is evil in the world. Obama spoke of evil within America, "in parents who have viciously abused their children." According to the Democrat, we can't really erase evil in the world because "that is God's task." And we have to "have some humility in how we approach the issue of confronting evil."

For McCain, with a global war on terror raging, there was no equivocating: We must "defeat" evil. If al-Qaida's placing of suicide vests on mentally-disabled women and then blowing them up by remote control in a Baghdad market isn't evil, he asked: "You have to tell me what is."

Again we see that Hussein falls back to what his friends and associates believe. America is evil. We can't erase evil because that is "God's task."

I hate to tell Hussein this, but God helps those who help themselves. And we are put here to do God's work.

McCain has seen more evil than most of us will ever see, and he understands. His answer: "defeat" evil.

Works for me.

Hussein's minions are not dumb. They saw the results and they must now dread the debates... and it will a cold day in the hometown of evil, aka Hell, before Hussein does a Town Hall meeting with McCain.

IBD link

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