Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I just got push polled..

The phone rang about 8:30PM. I saw "Out of Area" on the Caller ID screen and the lady ID'd herself as a rep for a national research firm and asked if I would be willing to answer questions for a national poll.

Aw, I thought, Gallup has finally found me.

She started off asking questions about direction of the state, economy, Governor, was I registered, was I planning on voting, etc... all pretty straight forward questions.... Then the question came about the local election for state representative.

Would I vote for the conservative Democrat who walked on water or would I vote for the dastardly Republican who was only inches away from being jailed for being a horse thief who raised taxes four times.....

You may thing I overstate, but the Democrat could literally raise the dead. OK, OK, I know that's Husseins's job. And the Republician was a worthless cur.

I should have kept my mouth shut and seen if the next question would have been about the Senate race followed by the Presidential race. But I couldn't.

I demanded the name of the firm and after some confusion she said, "Cooper and Seacrest." The line went dead as if someone had pulled the plug.

Being a ROF I think I will do some calling tomorrow. I know the Democratic candidate and I'm going to tell him that any chance that he had ever had of getting my vote died when that call came in.

And I am going to ask him if he is for all the things the Republicans are for and against all the things the Democrats are for, which is what the lady said, why in the Hell is he running as a Democrat?

It probably won't do me any good but I will feel better and maybe he will feel worse.

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