Wednesday, June 11, 2008

When it comes to nonsense

why is it always associated with education?

Children should no longer be taught traditional subjects at school because they are "middle-class" creations, a Government adviser will claim today.

Professor John White, who contributed to a controversial shake-up of the secondary curriculum, believes lessons should instead cover a series of personal skills.

Pupils would no longer study history, geography and science but learn skills such as energy- saving and civic responsibility through projects and themes.

But he says they must go further because traditional subjects were invented by the middle classes and are "mere stepping stones to wealth".

Hmmm, well that works for me. But then my parents were sharecroppers and I know all to well the penalties people pay for being poor.

The reforms caused a row when they were unveiled last year for sidelining large swathes of subject content in favour of lessons on issues such as climate change and managing debt.

Ah yes. Now we see what the changes are slated for. Flogging a hoax about GW, which is being used to control people through fear, and how to balance a check book.

I confess to being a grouch about some things. I also confess that if you have told me 10 years ago...and that is a very short time period...what is happening now in Europe and England, I would have laughed at such fantasies...

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