Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vegas is a piker

Maybe it's me but I was taught that when you take someone's money you are supposed to work hard for them and certainly not bad mouth them.

FOX News has learned that over the last 15 years, Trinity has received at least $15 million in grants from the federal government — in other words, taxpayer money.

What that money was spent on?

I mean if you are going to take my money, shouldn't you be required to NOT insult me by insulting a country I love and preaching that it invented AIDS?

And why did they get any money? Aren't they a church? And isn't there supposed to be no connection between the church and the state?

And if you want to claim that it was used for day care for poor working parents, or whatever, fine. But shouldn't the schools be run by secular organizations?

It looks to me as if Vegas has nothing on the poverty gang in sucking money out of people's pockets.

At least Vegas will give you a free drink!

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