Sunday, June 8, 2008

My first troll!!

drj2 you now opines:

Ignore a Republican eyewitness. I voted for Bush twice. I am telling you what happened. The money I quoted was money TO THE CITY to rebuild. You know the money the conservatives were squawking about us rolling in while in truth Americans, including WWII veterans, were living in their cars and pissing into cans. And before you say "Well MS is doing fine" (another memorable spin), it isn't. My mother lives a block from the beach in Pass Christian MS and the town consists of slabs and trailers today. Political partisans prefer the spin over the truth. Stay in your safe imaginary bubble. I once occupied that same space before tragedy and government incompetency opened my eyes. I will vote for Obama this election because the Republicans, MY PARTY, needs to be punished for turning their backs on the Gulf South. So stay with your hate for your fellow Americans. It is just one more reason people are deserting the conservative movement in droves. For after all that has happened and all the suffering I have witnessed I still believe that the majority of Americans are good at heart and know that, in the end, you don't abandon your own. The Republicans made a MAJOR stategic error in demonizing Americans themselves. I guess they thought there were more people of your ilk with selfishness at their core. They are wrong. (Just like they were wrong about the FONO.)

hehe..... Look, dr. You are no more a Repub than Limbaugh is a Demo. So quit trying to BS me. And you will vote for Hussein because you love Hussein, have supped the koolaid and are now blind to the facts of who he is. A Chicago politician who can't carry the truth in the bucket. But I digress.

Billions have been spent on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in general. And guess who is paying for it? Auntie Jane in Kansas. Do you think it right that people who live in more hostile climes pay for your blue heaven in paradise? That's nonsense.

Run the politicians down who have stolen the city and state blind and get some of that money back. Letting them continue, well... That's nonsense.

Get rid of the politicians who were too stupid evacuate the city when they knew they should. You want money? Get someone in charge who is smart enough to take the right action. Otherwise, giving them more money.... That's nonsense.

But you know and I know that isn't going to happen. The re-election of your Mayor proved that the city is terminal.

You want to live there. You pay for it.

New Orleans should be rebuilt a 100 miles (or whatever) up the river on ground high enough not to flood. And the building code should be strict enough to withstand winds from a CAT 5 that will, sooner or later, come roaring in from the Gulf and up the river to the new city.

You see dr, I am a social liberal. (Go back and read my very first post.) And I don't mind spending money on people and infrastructure, but I hate to stupidly spend money. We don't have enough to do that.

So go over to KOS, or MoveOn or some other leftie blog. In the meantime, do you want some cheese to go with that whine??

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