Sunday, June 1, 2008

George Carlin on voting

This video fits the season.

I first saw Carlin in Las Vegas around February 1977... Oh I had seen him on TV but I must admit that his language was still shocking...

I have always wondered why he uses the purple prose. He is a funny man and would be funny without it. Perhaps even more popular because his message would be heard by more people...


  1. George Carlin's piece "seven words you can't say on television" often gets mistakenly called "seven dirty words." This is ironic because his point is that it's not the words themselves that are bad, they're just words. E.g. he mentions, "there are bad thoughts, bad intentions, and words."

    I don't think Carlin would want to get any "message" out to people, or have to become less true to himself or his beliefs by pandering to people who are offended by use of certain words. My assumption is that he would rather have people who are shocked, ask themselves WHY they are shocked by certain words - e.g. ones that aren't PG13.

  2. If I remember his "nasty" word was "war."

    I have no problem, it's his show and he has been moderately successful for a long time. I guess my point is that before you can educate people you have to get them to listen.

  3. I'm a huge Carlin fan...I consider him a modern-day philosopher of sorts...if he dropped the colorful language his act wouldn't have the same bite.

    The "seven dirty words" was the turning point in his career when he went from good to great...let it all hang out.

    You must be a big fan on his enviromental stance...I paraphrase..."Save the Planet! Ha! Say what you really mean, save the people, because the planet ain't going nowehere."


  4. Yeah, I'm a fan, seen him twice since the first time... He remains one of the few performers I would spend money to see.

    I'm going out to LV in two weeks.
    You coming out??

  5. Not looking good for this year, been trying on Pokerstars...playing a couple 2-3 hundo buy-in tourneys in AC next week...if I take one down Sin City might see me yet.


  6. Well, good luck. I'm going out to attend a convention and see some old friends. I may play a bit, but maybe not. I hate LV for poker.
