Sunday, May 11, 2008

Senator Alexander just doesn't get it

Over in the eastern part of Tennessee, Oak Ridge to be exact, Republican Senator Lamar Alexander stepped up yesterday and delivered his plan to fix our energy problems.

n Make plug-in hybrid vehicles commonplace, enabling consumers to plug their cars in overnight to take advantage of cheap electric rates when power capacity is under-utilized.

n Make carbon capture and storage a reality for coal-burning power plants.

n Make solar more cost-competitive with the burning of fossil fuels.

n Develop ways to safely process and store nuclear waste.

n Make advanced biofuels cost-competitive with gasoline.

n Make new buildings green buildings, with technologies that conserve power and reduce waste products.

n Accelerate the development of nuclear fusion as an energy source for the future.

Now all of those are wonderful ideas. And all of those have been around for years and years. And all of those could just as easy been spewed by Demo Pelosi or the President of your local Wacko Environmentalist Club.

Because none of them do a damn thing towards lowering the current price of gasoline.

To do that we need to start immediately drilling for new crude in the US and off shore while we work on all the high tech solutions which may, or may not, actually work.

That Alexander didn't bring that up just proves that he doesn't have a grip on reality and deserves to lose the election this fall.

It is time, dear hearts, for us to just vote against any politician who has not and does not declare they are for drilling NOW. If neither candidate has declared, ask for a write in ballot and vote for yourself, or your dog. Send them a message.


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