Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bits and pieces

It was rainy and miserable all morning, but the sun came out this PM and the day turned lush and beautiful. Oh thank you Pope Algoree, thank you for the global warming. It's been a fun day just watching the Demos stagger around in circles. Some have finally figured out that Hussein is gonna take home the nomination but can't win the grand prize.

If ever a party is getting its just deserts, the Demos are doing so now....

And how did Wolfson restrain himself after this:

When Wolfson repeated his argument that Hillary could capture West Virginia, Cuomo helpfully suggested, "And what a great contribution that might be for a vice presidential candidate." Earlier in the segment, the ABC anchor, who is the son of former New York Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo and brother to the state's current Democratic attorney general, insisted, " Why isn't this the time to get out?" An ABC graphic, just below Cuomo, reiterated, "Clinton Hangs On: How Can She Remain in Race?"

I would have had to ask: "Chris, is this an interview or are you just pimping for Obama??"

I will say this. It is ancient lore than when you attack a King you must kill him. If Hillary does survive and if she does win the nomination there are a bunch of MSM types who had best give their hearts to God because their assess belong to Hill and Bill.

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