Sunday, March 30, 2008

Believe it or not.

"For years, I've been complaining (including in New York Post columns) about the absurd outreach by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan to extremist Muslims in the Detroit area. As I've repeatedly noted, a monthly "BRIDGES" group meeting hosted by FBI award revokee and "former" Islamic terrorist, Imad Hamad, and U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy III a/k/a "Abu Porno," consisted of extremist Muslim leaders bitching and federal officials pandering to them, apologizing for their agents and prosecutors trying to doing their jobs against Muslim terrorists and other criminals.

Now, we see the fruits of this absurd "outreach." The entire U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan has recused itself from the case against Iraqi spy Muthanna Al-Hanooti, indicted on Wednesday. The case must be tried by lawyers from Washington, who will have to fly in, eat out at nice restaurants, and stay at nice hotels . . . courtesy of the taxpayers."

Evidently Bush didn't fire enough AG's. Of course it still isn't too late.

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